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瑞士工程科学院 Pramod Rastogi 院士应邀来我校讲学

报告题目:Simultaneous measurement of multidimensional displacement
                    components using temporal phase measurement interferometry
人:Pramod Rastogi 院士(瑞士工程科学院)
地      点:立功楼 A3-2
Academician Pramod RastogiPramod Rastogi received his MTech degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, and doctorate degree from the University of Franche Comté in France. He started his research at the EPFL in Switzerland 1978. He is the author or coauthor of over 175 scientific papers published in peer-reviewed archival journals. He is also the author of Encyclopaedia articles, and has edited/authored nine books in the fields of Holography, DSPI, Optical metrology & Digital Optical Signal Analysis with internationally reputed publishers. Professor Rastogi is the 2014 recipient of the SPIE Dennis Gabor Award. He is also a Member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences. He is a Fellow of the Society of the Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (1995) and a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (1993). He is also a recipient of the "Hetényi Award" for the most significant research paper published in Experimental Mechanics in the year 1982. Professor Rastogi is the co-editor-in-chief of the International journal of Optics and Lasers in Engineering.

Pramod Rastogi院士简介:男,瑞士工程科学院院士,在印度德里理工学院获电气工程学位,法国弗朗西克蒙特大学获博士学位,1978年至今在瑞士EPFL工作;在全息、DSPI、光学计量学和数字光信号分析领域发表论文175篇,出版学术专著9部;是2014年度“SPIE Dennis Gabor Award”获奖者,1982年度“Experimental Mechanics”期刊“Hetényi Award”获得者;光学仪器工程师协会的成员,美国光学学会的研究员,国际工程光学与激光学报联合主编。

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