题 目:
Reconstructing the socio-political: Translation in a globalised world
主讲人: 冯东宁 (英国伦敦大学教授)
时 间: 4月24日(周三)上午10:00—11:30
地 点: 外语楼311会议室
ranslation is a locus where language is played against the duality of cultural and socio-political discursive representation, interlacing with a range of linguistic, socio-cultural & political parameters. As a result, transformation and manipulation is inevitable in translation. Thus translation should be approached and analysed as a reconstruction of the original as well as a variation and departure from it within the framework of wider discursive social practice. This topic examines the disparity between the linguistic representations and socio-cultural reality and changes i.e. the signifier & signified.
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